Customizable Workshop:
Why are the majority of men's clothing sizes are still based on data from the 1960s? Why does it make sense to fundamentally rethink the basics of body measurements when developing a pattern?
We'll show current data on male body shapes and how it can be implemented in pattern-making and product development. Using basic upper and lower body shapes developed from avatars for all sizes and 3D patterns, we'll demonstrate how body shapes differ across sizes and the impacts on pattern. These basic shapes form the ideal starting point for developing modern base patterns.
Prior to the workshop, participants have the opportunity (but are not required) to send in a model pattern that needs improvement. During the practical portion of the workshop, solutions for optimizing the product will be analyzed and discussed.
Employees in design, product development, purchasing and quality management of clothing companies of all kinds, as well as everyone involved in pattern development and fit assessment. Also interesting for specialists from the trade.